Traveling: Costs of a vacation in Krabi, Thailand

    Karbi, Phiphi Island, Bangkok

    If you are planning a vacation in Thailand than you are definitely interested in the financial aspect of the trip and I can help you with some of the costs like accommodation, transportation, island trips, food, and souvenirs. All of my choices are subjective to my preferences and I was not paid in any way to advertise them.

    If you are planning to fly from Europe you should choose to purchase the tickets directly from Qatar Airways, getting them from a third-party might come at additional costs. I paid for the ticket to Krabi from Bucharest, with 2 stops, one in London and one in Doha, 410 euros. Not the best choice, since British Airways changed our fight hours and we ended up spending one night at Doha airport. So be careful with the flight hours and stops. If you are part of a group of at least 10 people you can ask Qatar for a group discount.

    If you are traveling from one of the countries that can get the Visa On Arrival than you will need a picture (4x6cm) and 70$. If you forget your picture at home, as I did, you will pay 10$ for 4 pictures right at the entry. In the Krabi airport, we could pay in dollars or euro, since we didn’t have Bah, but there are entry points that will requite Bah so please check before arriving. The officer can also ask you to show the accommodation reservation and that you have at least 400$ in cash to prove you have enough money to live in Thailand. This type of visa it’s only for a maximum stay of 15 days; if you exit the country you will be asked to pay it again and if you exceed the 15 days you will pay a fine for each extra day.

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