Fashion Potluck Events: Bangkok Edition

    The Fashion Potluck team spent the cold months of January and February in warm and charming Thailand. We visited the most amazing places and met a lot of inspiring ladies. The many islands we visited and the people encountered were amazing. Bangkok surprised us with its contrasts, dynamism, and international atmosphere.

    On the 12th of February, we got together with 15 amazing women on the beautiful rooftop terrace of The Hive - a co-working space for startups and freelancers working in Thailand. We were spoiled by delicious drinks and snacks and enjoyed the beautiful sunset with incredible vistas.

    We started the event with presenting our website and our community. We continued by creating content with our new members. We interviewed them, listened to 15 inspiring stories and took some photographs together.

    Have a look at the pictures of the event and meet the new members! P.S. The video of the interviews is coming soon!

    Our attendees during our short presentation.

    Meet Momoe - charming owner of the clothing brand Silhouette Official. Momoe loves fashion, beauty, and traveling. She also owns a travel agency! Good luck Momoe!❤️

    Kristina and Kitty. Kristina is going to start school in Bangkok this August. We wish her lots of luck and patience!;)

    Kitty is half-swedish and she spent a lot of years living in Sweden. Now she's back to sunny Thailand.❤️

    Tasha from Australia has recently joined Fashion Potluck and we love her posts! Check it out - Tasha, we wish you success in moving back to Bangkok after finishing your studies!;)

    Sandra - the interior designer from Copenhagen. Sandra moved to Bangkok in August and she is loving it! We wish you lots of luck in starting your blogging journey!✨

    Our recent Fashion Potlucker - @suitcaseaffair. Hannah is teaching history and English language while traveling around the world! It is so much fun following your journey here at Fashion Potluck. Keep traveling and sharing your amazing shots with us!

    Aki and Jack - our local content creators.✨ Aki is practicing Jiu Jitsu and prefers Netflix to parties. While Jack, in the contrary, loves partying, traveling, and hanging out with friends. Thank you for showing us some local bars, and we are looking forward to meeting you in Amsterdam!

    Charena! Lots of success on your way to becoming a model, and we are looking forward to your stories here at 

    Kristina visited Thailand for work and fell in love with it. It's been 5 years since she decided to stay in Bangkok. We love your passion and approach to blogging! Keep going!❤️

    Special thanks to our amazing videographer Cindy. Check more of her amazing work at

    Yves - a passionate and inspiring owner of Yves lives in Bangkok, but spends a lot of time traveling. Definitely check her amazing yoga studio when in Bangkok!✨

    Sughra has recently moved to Bangkok - just 3 weeks ago! Sughra has just started her blogging journey too. Let's support her and give her big thumbs up!❤️

    Nina, who lived in Amsterdam and London, is now exploring Bangkok with her boyfriend. Nina travels a lot and has a strong desire to share her travels with others. Nina, our community will be happy to support you in your journey!❤️

    It was lovely meeting you ladies! Welcome to our community! And, until our next meetings in Bangkok;)


    The Fashion Potluck Team

    Check out our event in Amsterdam:

    • Anshul A Anshul A : What a fun way to travel and meet like minded people. This is a greaat activity.
      7 years ago 
    • Suitcaseaffair Suitcaseaffair : What a FUN evening that was... It was great to meet all of you inspiring ladies! 💕 Xoxo ~Hannah @SuitcaseAffair
      7 years ago 

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