Quick-Fire Quarantine with Devon-Elise Johnson

Quick-Fire Quarantine with Devon-Elise Johnson

    Devon-Elise Johnson is an actress and singer who has stared in productions like Half A Sixpence, Mamma Mia and Titanic the Musical.
    Not only is she one of the best actresses I've seen, but she has one of the kindest hearts I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Also, as you'll see below, she's absolutely hilarious!

    If you could only pick one thing, what would you say has made you laugh the most in the past week?
    So, the house party app. I hadn’t really gotten a hold of how it worked, so I saw that 2 of my friends were in a chat, so I joined in, but wanted to make them laugh so I held the camera under my chin and did “thumb face” only to hear “who the f*ck is that?!”
    It was at that moment I realised IT WAS NOT MY FRIEND. I couldn’t collapse the app down so all I could hear was my other friend laughing his head off whilst I was still full on thumb face. He then called me back, just me and him and told me it couldn’t have been worse timing as my friend and HIS friend were talking about her sister with depression.

    Have you binged any shows or read any good books recently?
    Binge watched a Netflix show called “unorthodox” in one night .ONE NIGHT!
    Honestly. One of the most amazing series I’ve ever watched! I wasn’t sold at first because half of it is subtitled in Yiddish, but honestly… wow.

    Also, I’m reading a great book by Steve Harvey called “Straight Talk, No Chaser” which tries to explain men and why they do what they do ... and they say us women are hard to understand! (Such a random read but since being dumped I’ve tried to understand WHY).

    What would you say is your favourite song to belt in the shower?
    Fave song to belt! EASY!
    “Somebody to love” every. Single. Time.

    Can you tell us a bizarre fact about yourself?
    A bizarre fact? Oh sh*t ermmmmm, I can’t think of anything bizarre? Haha maybe that I almost quit musical theatre last year to become a midwife.

    Do you have top tips for staying motivated at the moment?
    I know that If I don’t have routine I go to absolute bits. I printed myself out a weekly calendar and wrote down on each day something I wanted to accomplish, it wasn’t CRAZY stuff like learn Portuguese by Friday, but just things I knew I could aim for.
    I make sure I’m up every day for my 2 workouts, and then I do something creative that makes me happy, whether that be to sing a song I love, practice some guitar, do a bit of knitting … anything to break the monotony.
    I think it’s so important as well at this time to be KIND to yourself, don’t feel the pressures of social media… People only post what they want you to see… Yes I’m doing 2 workouts a day… but I also ate a whole Easter egg in one sitting so you know, balance!
    You do YOU. If you wanna get out of bed at 12- do it!
    If you wanna run 5k- do it!
    If you wanna learn Spanish - DO IT.
    But don’t feel like you’re failing because of other people’s standards.

    Is there anything you’re feeling particularly grateful for this week?
    I’m feeling grateful EVERYDAY for my wonderful family who I’m isolating with, technology that’s allowing me to stay connected to my incredible friends who I long to see so much, the NHS for keeping this country going, I’m grateful for the sunshine that’s been shining down on us, there is SO much I’m grateful for! And my health, I could not be anymore thankful for that at the moment!

    Devon, thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions. You radiate joy and have quite frankly made my week.
    To keep up with all the latest from Devon you can give her a cheeky follow over on Instagram.


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