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Duvolle Review: Spin Brush, Hair Straightener and Curling Wand Review

Product details: Duvolle Radiance Spin-Care System, "Impulse" Professional Far-Infrared Ionic Hair Straightener

The Duvolle Spin Brush, the Hair Straightener and the Curling Wand are my favorite products for any season. Find out why in my full review!
Before you continue, check this skincare routine from Fashion Potluck with the necessary steps of preparing your skin for any treatment. Before I straighten or curl my hair, I always make sure to give my hair the necessary care and my current favorite product is Maracuja Oil!
About Duvolle:
I was familiar with the brand Duvolle but I never really had the chance to try their products. When I checked their website, I was pleasantly surprised as they offer a range of products: from skincare and cosmetics to curling wands and hair straighteners, the brand makes sure you look flawless from head to toe. The prices were not cheap but were still affordable as I believe you should always invest in a good beauty product. Since cold weather often leaves my skin a bit damaged, the first product I bought was the Duvolle Radiance Spin-Care System. Keep reading to find out my impressions!
The Duvolle Radiance Spin-Care System
The Duvolle Radiance Spin-Care System is a set of products for cleansing and exfoliating your face and body. In the package, you will find a facial exfoliation brush, a large body cleansing brush, a facial cleansing brush, and a pumice stone.
I love the system as it is very easy to use and really gives my skin a beautiful fresh glow. You can use the brushes on both dry and wet skin, providing mild exfoliation and deep cleansing. The brushes are soft and gentle, but still offer the necessary exfoliation of your skin. They help remove the first layer of dust and bacteria from your skin, leaving it healthy and fresh.
How to use it: Depending on which brush you want to use, gently insert it onto the slot on the head of the spin device. The device contains a visible On/Off Switch, and to be able to use it, you should buy simple AA batteries. Keep in mind that the product is not chargeable!
For Face: After you have applied a cleanser to your face, start massaging your face in rotating movements with the facial cleansing brush. I do it for 30-60 seconds, after which I wash my face with water. I always apply a thick layer of moisture after it. Depending on your type of skin, you can choose how often you need to use the product. When it comes to the exfoliating brush, I use it once every 10 days to prevent skin irritation, enabling gentle exfoliation and removing the layer of dead skin cells. I have dry and sensitive skin and have started noticing improvements already after the first two weeks.
For the Body: The large body cleansing brush is definitely my favorite brush as it helps to deeply cleanse my skin, keeping it healthy and smooth. You can use the product both in the shower or on dry skin. I prefer using it in the shower as combining it with warm water opens my pores and allows better cleansing. If you prefer a mild body exfoliation, I would recommend keeping the brush dry.
For the feet: What I love about the Duvolle Radiance Spin-Care System is that it allows you to take care of different parts of your body easily. The pumice stone which comes in the set helps to exfoliate your skin in an easy and effective way, leaving it smooth and soft. During winter, we often become lazy about taking care of our feet, but this pumice stone makes it quick and convenient!
I definitely would recommend the Duvolle Radiance Spin-Care System as it offers the necessary care for your body. You can buy it for €84,10 /$95,00 from Duvolle and it is indeed worth every penny!
Once I find a brand I like, I am always curious to try out the other products they offer. I was very skeptical about buying a hair product as my hair is very sensitive, so keep reading to see my impressions!
Duvolle "Impulse" Professional Far-Infrared Ionic Hair Straightener
Let’s talk about the Duvolle "Impulse" Hair Straightener! I stopped using hair straighteners a few years ago as they completely ruined the texture of my hair. If I would not use them, my hair would look messy and frizzy. I have natural, wavy, thick hair so working with it is very hard, and straightening sometimes seems like an impossible mission. Still, every now and then, I want to try something new so I decided to buy the new Duvolle Straightener.
Benefits: Although in the beginning, I absolutely loved the Duvolle Impulse Hair straightener, I must admit my feelings are mixed now. Containing far-infrared technology, the biggest benefit of the product is that it does not damage your hair. The floating plates lock in moisture and easily straighten your hair, leaving it soft and smooth. I felt like when using the straightener, my hair actually looked healthier than normal and it also had a lighter texture.
Downsides: The product is supposed to heat up to 450°, which was not always the case. It would switch off every now and then but would heat up once again quickly. This was quite annoying, especially when I was in a rush to straighten my hair. This would be the main reason I would not buy the product again!
How to use it: The rubberized exterior coating of the straightener gives it a comfortable grip and allows good control while styling. It would take me about 45 minutes to straighten my hair if it was the second day of washing.
Pro Tip: I don’t recommend straightening your hair as soon as you wash it as you can easily damage it. Once I straighten it, my hair would stay like that for one day, which, for this texture, is long. You can purchase the Hair Straightener from Duvolle for €163,80/$185,00.
You can find more straighteners from Duvolle here.
The Duvolle Curling Wand was a pleasant surprise! Before, I would not use curling wands because I did not want to have my hair too curly, but with this product, I get beautiful, dreamy waves that I love! If you’re a fan of a romantic, dreamy look, I would definitely recommend purchasing this product! It comes in 3 sizes: 19mm, 25mm, and 32mm, giving you more styling freedom.
Benefits: The curling wand heats up fast, so you only need around 30 minutes to do your curls. It gives you the freedom to shape your curls the way you want it, whether it is tiny curls or sexy beach waves, the choice is yours. I prefer bigger curls which are neither too large nor too tiny and have the perfect bouncing look which stays in shape throughout the day.
How to use it: Before curling your hair, I recommend applying a good hair mousse or spray as it will be easier to style it. A hair mousse that I love and would recommend is the Mediceuticals Versatile Styling Foam which gives your hair the necessary protection. You can buy it from Hair&Body for €18,50/ $20.89.
I curl my hair once a week, and it stays like that for 2-3 days.
You can purchase the Pro Series Curling Wand from Duvolla for €101,89 /$115,00, and although I am not the biggest fan of curling wands, I would totally recommend this one!
Overall Score for Duvolle Products: I am generally very satisfied with the brand and loved the products I purchased! I was not disappointed at all and I would recommend the brand to everyone! The prices were affordable, and the products were of -- good quality. I am curious to try out more of their products and I was thinking of doing a Duvolle Cosmetics Review next time. What are your thoughts?
Shipping: Regarding shipping, it is important to remember the company is from the US, and it takes them up to 45 days for international shipments. If you are located in the US, it will take them 5-10 business days. If you order internationally, make sure to check the prices of the shipping, to avoid any unpleasant costs. You can find more info here: Duvolle Terms and Conditions.
This was it, ladies! I hope I provided enough useful information! Let me know if you have tried any products from Duvolle, and what were your thoughts about it!
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