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Place you want to Visit NYC Scotland Maroco
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My Posts
Hi loves! It’s been a month since my last post and I gathered A LOT of products to make
The secret to flawless skin
I’ve literally tried everything out there, to find that one magical product to make my skin
Lookbook: Elegant styling
Hey there! I’m changing my usual subject today as I felt the need to express my thoughts on
Empties of the month: September 2018
Hey there!I was a little late for my empties, but here they are! I am starting with the new
REVIEW: Scrubee Body Butter by Lush...
My lovely fashion potluckers, I really missed reviewing for you this month! I was a little
Exploring small (yet fab!) cosmetic...
My newest obsession is small indie cosmetic companies and I find myself fascinated of the variety
Mischief Managed!
Hi girls! Autumn is officially here and I couldn't resist some nice, warm and earthy body care
Empties of the month: August 2018!
Hi girls! Last week was a blast! I was hosting a good friend from HK, sunbathing and having drinks
My sunblock loves the sun!
This summer I decided to use the highest UVA, UVB protection available on my body as well. I
Lush Cosmetics : Favourites!
My favourite LUSH body lotion is Sleepy! Sleepy shares the same scent with Twilight products.
Empties of the month- July 2018
Hi there! August is here and it's time to make my account of the products I used in
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